Friday, 1 November 2013

Louis Bacon rewarded for his conservational efforts

Philanthropist Louis Bacon and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie have been awarded the Chairman’s Leadership Award by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Their on-going dedication has contributed significantly to the protection of landscapes and ecosystems at risk of destruction and has been officially recognised with the most prestigious accolade given out by the Foundation as part of its tenth annual benefit.
Presidents Ronald Regan and Jimmy Carter have been awarded with the same honour in the past and Bacon whole-heartedly deserves it too. To date, the Moore Charitable Foundation has given its support to over 200 nonprofit governmental organisations, including NFWF, for over 20 years.
Bacon’s charitable foundation, together with its Bahamas affiliate foundation, directs its efforts towards other causes aside from conservation. These include contributions to educational, medical and historical organisations in the Bahamas.
Through a grant given to the Bahamas Reef Environment Education Foundation (BREEF), time will be spent ensuring that programmes for teachers and students with “in-the-classroom” and “in-the-water experiences” with a long term aim of increasing much needed awareness with regard to environmental concerns.
The generosity of organisations such as NFWF, that channel public conservation dollars to environmental issues of paramount importance and even promise to match investments with private contributions deserve as much support as they can get.
Currently supporting the BNT’s “Conchservation” project, which aims to protect the Bahamian conch population, a most treasured part of their culinary culture, Bacon’s charity work is showing no sign of slowing down.
Described as “one of the best friends the conservation movement has ever had” by Paul Tudor Jones founder of Tudor Investment Corporation, Bacon has set a true example that other successful hedge fund managers really ought to follow. Future generations will suffer if we don’t change the way we live our lives and it is investments and efforts made by individuals like Bacon and Christie that can affect substantial change.

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